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Function References

Before we dig deeper, let's assign the FMP API key to a variable named TOKEN. This name will be referenced in the following examples. Please refer to the Pricing Page for more information about the different plans.

Stock List

All of functions in this section are available for the Basic Plan (Free).

Symbol List



>>> symbol_list(api_key=TOKEN)
          symbol                                               name  ...  exchangeShortName type
0         3SUL.L                WisdomTree Sugar 3x Daily Leveraged  ...                LSE  etf
1        TCLB.TO             TD Canadian Long Term Federal Bond ETF  ...                TSX  etf
2            IWX                  iShares Russell Top 200 Value ETF  ...               AMEX  etf
3         XCD.TO  iShares S&P Global Consumer Discretionary Inde...  ...                TSX  etf
4         CBH.TO  iShares 1-10 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Inde...  ...                TSX  etf
...          ...                                                ...  ...                ...  ...
11177     CYBP.L  Rize UCITS ICAV - Rize Cybersecurity And Data ...  ...                LSE  etf
11178       INTL                             Main International ETF  ...                ETF  etf
11179        JJC  iPath Series B Bloomberg Copper Subindex Total...  ...               AMEX  etf
11180        SLV                               iShares Silver Trust  ...               AMEX  etf
11181  102110.KS                          Mirae Asset TIGER 200 ETF  ...                KSC  etf


>>> etf_search(TOKEN)
          symbol                                               name  ...  exchangeShortName type
0         3SUL.L                WisdomTree Sugar 3x Daily Leveraged  ...                LSE  etf
1        TCLB.TO             TD Canadian Long Term Federal Bond ETF  ...                TSX  etf
2            IWX                  iShares Russell Top 200 Value ETF  ...               AMEX  etf
3         XCD.TO  iShares S&P Global Consumer Discretionary Inde...  ...                TSX  etf
4         CBH.TO  iShares 1-10 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Inde...  ...                TSX  etf
...          ...                                                ...  ...                ...  ...
11177     CYBP.L  Rize UCITS ICAV - Rize Cybersecurity And Data ...  ...                LSE  etf
11178       INTL                             Main International ETF  ...                ETF  etf
11179        JJC  iPath Series B Bloomberg Copper Subindex Total...  ...               AMEX  etf
11180        SLV                               iShares Silver Trust  ...               AMEX  etf
11181  102110.KS                          Mirae Asset TIGER 200 ETF  ...                KSC  etf

[11182 rows x 6 columns]

Statement Symbols List



>>> statement_symbol_list(api_key=TOKEN)
0      000001.SZ
1      000002.SZ
2      000004.SZ
3      000005.SZ
4      000006.SZ
...          ...
51695      ZYT.L
51696       ZYXI
51697    ZZ-B.ST
51698       ZZLL
51699     ZZZ.TO

Commitment of traders report

The Commitments of Traders (COT report) is a weekly market report from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) enumerating the holdings of participants in various markets in the United States.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission or CFTC) publishes the Commitments of Traders (COT) reports to help the public understand market dynamics. Specifically, the COT reports provide a breakdown of each Tuesday’s open interest for futures and options on futures markets in which 20 or more traders hold positions equal to or above the reporting levels established by the CFTC.

Generally, the data in the COT reports is from Tuesday and released Friday. The CFTC receives the data from the reporting firms on Wednesday morning and then corrects and verifies the data for release by Friday afternoon.


CIK List


Euronext Symbols


Symbol Changes


Exchange Symbols

exchange_symbols(exchange='NASDAQ', api_key=TOKEN)

Company Information

Company Profile

A summary of important company information, including price, beta, market capitalization,description, headquarters, and more

company_profile(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Excecutive Compensation

executive_compensation(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Compensation Benchmark

compensation_benchmark(year='2022', api_key=TOKEN)

Company Notes

company_notes(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Employee Count

employee_count(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Screener (Stock)

The simplest way to get the list of stocks that meet your criteria. You can query all data without providing any query parameters, default limit is 1000 or add query parameters to filter the results.


Here is an example of adding query parameters to filter the results, for example:

stock_screener(api_key=token, limit=2000, country='US', sector='Consumer Cyclical')

Please check all available query parameters below:

Query Parameter Type Example
marketCapMoreThan number 1000000000
marketCapLowerThan number 1000000000
priceMoreThan number 100
priceLowerThan number 100
betaMoreThan number 1
betaLowerThan number 1
volumeMoreThan number 10000
volumeLowerThan number 10000
dividendMoreThan number 1
dividendLowerThan number 1
isEtf Boolean true
isActivelyTrading Boolean true
sector String Consumer Cyclical, Energy, Technology, Industrials, Financial Services, Basic Materials, Communication Services, Consumer Defensive, Healthcare, Real Estate, Utilities, Industrial Goods, Financial, Services, Conglomerates
Industry String Autos, Banks, Banks Diversified, Software, Banks Regional, Beverages Alcoholic, Beverages Brewers, Beverages Non-Alcoholic, ..
Country String US, UK, MX, BR, RU, HK, CA, ..
exchange String nyse, nasdaq, amex, euronext, tsx, etf, mutual_fund, ..
limit number 10

Stock Grade

stock_grade(symbol='AAPL', limit=500, api_key=TOKEN)



company_executives(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Company Core Information Summary

company_core_info(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Market Cap

market_cap(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

History Market Cap

historical_market_cap(symbol='AAPL', limit=100, api_key=TOKEN)

All Countries


Company Rating

company_rating(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Historical Rating

historical_rating(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Analyst Estimates

analyst_estimate(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Optional: You can spefify the period and limit of the analyst estimates as query parameters, for example:

analyst_estimate(symbol='AAPL', api_key=token, period='quarter')

Analyst Recommendation

analyst_recommendation(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Company Outlook

company_outlook(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Stock Peers

stock_peer(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Market Open


Delisted Companies


Statement Analysis

Key Metrics

Provides investors with an extensive selection of the most important and most commonly used financial metrics. These metrics span from liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, efficiency ratios, profitability ratios, market ratios, and other financial ratios.

fundamental_metrics(symbol='AAPL', period='annual', api_key=TOKEN)

Key Metrics TTM

Key Metrics such as Market capitalization, PE ratio, Price to Sales Ratio, POCF ratio, Graham Net-Net, The key metrics are calculated quarter by quarter, year by year.

fundamental_metrics_ttm(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)


A set of financial ratios for companies used to analyze the company. The ratios are calculated using data from the financial statements.

fundamental_ratios_ttm(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Ratios TTM

Shows the Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) value of a variety of valuation ratios, financial ratios, liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, efficiency ratios, profitability ratios, and market ratios.

cashflow_growth(symbol='AAPL', period='annual', api_key=TOKEN)

Cashflow Growth

The DCF value represents a stock intrinsic value calculated from its free cash flow analysis

cashflow_growth(symbol='AAPL', period='annual', api_key=TOKEN)

Income Growth

Shows the percentage growth in each of the categories listed under a company’s income statement. Some of the most influential growth rates include; revenue, cost of revenue, gross profit, operating expense, EBITDA, net income, and EPS.

income_growth(symbol='AAPL', period='annual', api_key=TOKEN)

Balance Sheet Growth

Shows the percentage growth in each of the categories listed under a company’s balance sheet. Some of the most influential growth rates from this category include; cash & cash equivalents, inventory, short-term debt, long-term debt, retained earnings, assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity.

balance_sheet_growth(symbol='AAPL', period='annual', api_key=TOKEN)

Financial Growth

Financial Statement Growth of a company based on its financial statement, it compares previous financial statement to get growth of all its statement. The growth is calculated quarter by quarter, year by year.

financial_growth(symbol='AAPL', period='annual', api_key=TOKEN)

Financial Score

financial_score(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Owner Earnings

owner_earning(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Enterprise Values

enterprise_value(symbol='AAPL', period='quarter', api_key=TOKEN)

Stock Fundamentals

Financial Statements List

  • Get the list of available symbols

Company Financial Statements

The financial statements, including balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement available in annual and quarterly format sourced from SEC filings.

Income Statements

An income statement shows a company's revenues, expenses and profitability over a period of time. It is also sometimes called a profit-and-loss (P&L) statement or an earnings statement. - Get the Income Statement of a specific symbol

get_financial_report(symbol='ZZ-B.ST', api_key=token, reportType='income-statement', period='year', limit=400)
  • Get the Income Statement by CIK
get_financial_report(symbol=None, cik='0001318605', api_key=token, reportType='income-statement', period='quarter', limit=400)

Balance Sheet Statements

The balance sheet is a financial statement that displays a company’s total assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity over a specific timeframe (quarterly or yearly). Investors can use this statement to determine if the company can fund its operations, meet its debt obligations, and pay a dividend.

  • Get the Balance Sheet Statement of a specific symbol
get_financial_report(symbol='ZZ-B.ST', api_key=token, reportType='balance-sheet-statement', period='year', limit=400)

Cashflow Statements

The cash flow statement is a financial statement that highlights how cash moves through the company, including both cash inflows and outflows. This statement shows the cash flows in 3 main categories “Operating Cash Flows”, “Investing Cash Flows”, and “Financing Cash Flows”, which help investors to understand if the company is making money or losing money by conducting business.

  • Get the Cash Flow Statement of a specific symbol
get_financial_report(symbol='ZZ-B.ST', api_key=token, reportType='cash-flow-statement', period='year', limit=400)

Sales Revenue By Segments

The Revenue Geographic Segmentation API provides information on the geographic segmentation of revenue for a specific product or segment.

  • Yearly revenue breakdown
get_revenue_breakdown(symbol='AAPL', api_key=token, period='year', structure='flat')
  • Quarterly breakdown
get_revenue_breakdown(symbol='AAPL', api_key=token, period='quarter', structure='flat')

Stock Calendars


Earnings Calendar

Planned earnings report date, EPS and revenue estimates and actuals by company.

earning_calendar(from_date='2023-10-12', to_date='2023-07-12', api_key=TOKEN)

Earnings Historical

Allows investors to gather information on a company’s past quarterly earnings disclosures. The information in this section includes; EPS and Revenue estimates, EPS and Revenue reported figures, the date (and quarter) of the earnings, and the time in which the company’s earnings were reported.

earning_calendar_historical(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Earnings Confirmed

Confirmed earnings within selected time frame that contains fields like date, time, exchange and more.

earning_confirm(from_date='2023-01-01', to_date='2023-10-10', api_key=TOKEN)

Earnings Surprises

Historical EPS earnings, to show the expected earnings and the actual earnings, providing the earnings surprise.

earning_surprise(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Dividends Calendar

Dividends Calendar

Calendar of dividends for a selected time period, including the Adjusted Dividend

dividend_calendar(from_date='2023-10-12', to_date='2023-07-12', api_key=TOKEN)

Dividends Historical

Dividend history for any stock, ETF, mutual fund, and more, including dividend declaration date, dividend record date, and dividend payment date

dividend_historical(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Splits Calendar

Splits Calendar

A calendar of companies that have announced their upcoming stock split(s). This calendar provides the announcement date, the split date, the numerator, and the denominator of the stock split.

split_calendar(from_date='2023-10-12', to_date='2023-07-12', api_key=TOKEN)

Splits Historical

All historical stock splits for stocks with numerator and denominator fields. Stock splits affect both the price and the number of shares issued.

split_historical(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

IPO Calendar


Stock News

General News

get_news(api_key=token, type='general', page=0)

Stock News

get_news(api_key=token, type='stock', page=0)

Forex News

get_news(api_key=token, type='forex', page=0)

Press Releases

get_news(api_key=token, type='press-releases', page=0, ticker='AAPL')

Crypto News

get_news(api_key=token, type='crypto', page=0)

Insider Trading

Insider Trades RSS

get_insider_trade_rss_feed(api_key=token, page=0)
get_insider_trade(symbol='AAPL', api_key=token, page=0)
  • symbol: symbol of the company
  • api_key: API key for the FMP API. Get it in the section Your Details from
  • page: page number of the insider trade

Transaction Types


Insiders By Symbol

get_insider_roaster(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Insider Trade Statistics

The return on investment (ROI) on US debt is known as Treasury rates. This is available on a daily basis and psance form 1-month to 30 year rates

get_insider_roaster_statistic('AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

CIK Mapper Name List

get_cik_mapper(token, page=0)

CIK Mapper By Name

get_company_maker(name='AA', api_key=token, page=0)

CIK Mapper Company

get_cik_mapper_company("AAPL", TOKEN)

Market Overview

Market Indexes


Sector PE Ratio

sector_pe(date='2023-10-11', exchange='NYSE', api_key=TOKEN)

Industry PE Ratio

industry_pe(date='2023-10-11', exchange='NYSE', api_key=TOKEN)

Sector Performance


Sector Historical


Econnomics Data

Treasury Rates

The return on investment (ROI) on US debt is known as Treasury rates. This is available on a daily basis and psance form 1-month to 30 year rates

treasury_rate(from_date='2023-01-01', to_date='2023-10-10', api_key=TOKEN)

Economic Indicator

Key economic indicators queried for a specified time range. Some of the economic indicators include GDP, Real GDP, CPI, Unemployment rate, and more

economic_indicator(name='GDP', api_key=TOKEN)

Economics Calendar

economics_calendar(from_date='2023-01-01', to_date='2023-10-10', api_key=TOKEN)

Stocks, Crypto, Forex, and Commodities


Crypto List


Full Quote List


Full Quote

crypto_quote(symbol='BTCUSD', api_key=TOKEN)

Chart Data

crypto_chart_data(symbol='BTCUSD', resolution='1min', from_date='2023-01-01', to_date='2023-10-10')

Crypto Daily

crypto_daily(symbol='BTCUSD', api_key=TOKEN)


Forex List


Full Quote List


Full Quote

forex_quote(symbol='EURUSD', api_key=TOKEN)

Chart Data

forex_chart(symbol='EURUSD', from_date='2023-01-01', to_date='2023-10-10', resolution='1min', api_key=TOKEN)

Forex Daily

forex_daily(symbol='EURUSD', api_key=TOKEN)


Commodities List


Full Quote List


Full Quote

commodities_quote(symbol='OUSX', api_key=TOKEN)

Chart Data

commodities_chart_data(symbol='DXUSD', from_date='2023-01-01', to_date='2023-10-10', resolution='1min', api_key=TOKEN)

Commodities Daily

commodities_daily(symbol='OUSX', api_key=TOKEN)


Full Quote

full_quote(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Quote Order

quote_order(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Simple Quote

simple_quote(symbol='AAPL', ap_key=TOKEN)

OTC Quote

otc_quote(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Exchange Prices

exchange_price(exchange='NYSE', api_key=TOKEN)

Stock Price Change

stock_price_changes(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Aftermarket Trade

after_market_trade(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Aftermarket Quote

after_market_quote(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Batch Quote

batch_quote(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Batch Trade

batch_trade(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Last Forex

last_forex(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Last Crypto

last_crypto(symbol='BTCUSD', api_key=TOKEN)

Real-time Price

realtime_price(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

All Live Prices (Short)


Live Full Price w/ Orders

full_realtime_price(symbol='AAPL', api_key=TOKEN)

Forex Prices

fx_price(symbol='EURUSD', api_key=TOKEN)

All Forex Prices
