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Stock Fundamentals

Financial Statements List

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Company Financial Statements

The financial statements, including balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement available in annual and quarterly format sourced from SEC filings.

Income Statements

An income statement shows a company's revenues, expenses and profitability over a period of time. It is also sometimes called a profit-and-loss (P&L) statement or an earnings statement. - Get the Income Statement of a specific symbol

get_financial_report(symbol='ZZ-B.ST', api_key=token, reportType='income-statement', period='year', limit=400)
  • Get the Income Statement by CIK
get_financial_report(symbol=None, cik='0001318605', api_key=token, reportType='income-statement', period='quarter', limit=400)

Balance Sheet Statements

The balance sheet is a financial statement that displays a company’s total assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity over a specific timeframe (quarterly or yearly). Investors can use this statement to determine if the company can fund its operations, meet its debt obligations, and pay a dividend.

  • Get the Balance Sheet Statement of a specific symbol
get_financial_report(symbol='ZZ-B.ST', api_key=token, reportType='balance-sheet-statement', period='year', limit=400)

Cashflow Statements

The cash flow statement is a financial statement that highlights how cash moves through the company, including both cash inflows and outflows. This statement shows the cash flows in 3 main categories “Operating Cash Flows”, “Investing Cash Flows”, and “Financing Cash Flows”, which help investors to understand if the company is making money or losing money by conducting business.

  • Get the Cash Flow Statement of a specific symbol
get_financial_report(symbol='ZZ-B.ST', api_key=token, reportType='cash-flow-statement', period='year', limit=400)

Sales Revenue By Segments

The Revenue Geographic Segmentation API provides information on the geographic segmentation of revenue for a specific product or segment.

  • Yearly revenue breakdown
get_revenue_breakdown(symbol='AAPL', api_key=token, period='year', structure='flat')
  • Quarterly breakdown
get_revenue_breakdown(symbol='AAPL', api_key=token, period='quarter', structure='flat')